Sunday, December 31, 2023

Reasoning for Love

生活习惯, 爱好,都是很独特的东西
喜欢你, 就是我的道理!

Character: 秦小月
TV Show: 以爱为营
Ep: 30

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Teachings Parents should heed

动辄加以棍棒, 不耐给予教诲, 这顽童又如何能成才。

星汉灿烂 ep10

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

She's finally buried.

Since Grandma's passing, nothing has been the same for me.

I've dissociated, isolated and flat out just broken.....
The fleeting thought of her makes me cry in a split second.

I just started grief counseling after the first couple of QA sessions. Everyone is hoping this will work, but it's a lot to expect from a 6 to 8 weeks program that's once per week.... Honestly... 

Very little desire for things and not just to do things.

Nothing else matters ..... 

Grandpa took grandma's ashes home to be buried finally, after more than two years. It hurts so much that I can't be there but it's also of great relief knowing she has a place to rest in peace now. 

Monday, March 20, 2023

Mind dump

It was nice meeting a competent new therapist last Tuesday. He definitely seems to have more common sense than my current psychiatrist..   or at least less bullshit. (Treating me like im fresh out the womb and don't know any better, smh ... Stupid bitch ... Yep still hostile.)

It's going to be productive with this therapist, I can feel it. It'll be productive for the both of us lol. Appearently I'm still being nominated by medical professionals to become a stand up comedian. 2023 and still going strong lol

I was very amused when he said on the scale of one to ten.... The more he listened to what I had to say... It went to 20... Then 30.... Hahahaha
I died a little there lol, joey did too when I told him about it 

It's been nice having a friend to hang out with at least once a week recently; due to our physical therapy appointments. 

And according to my cardiologist, I haven't gone back to see him for like 9 years... 
I'm stuck wearing another heart monitoring thing for days (like a week).... Itchy... Bad for my eczema. 
Not a fan before and still don't like it. I am surprised that it's equipment wise got upgraded from the stone age and is now working the Bluetooth and synced with a smartphone to go lol 

Now I'm just waiting on the CT angiogram that he wants to have me do as a precaution ...
