From the looks of it right now, I currently got one set back on a history course and the online offer is already stolen in the registration process @_@.... :: fingers crossed for someone dropping it!! :::....hahahhaaa
This years Cluster Review on Monday was rather refreshing. It's something they've never done before, which is invite a variety of Professors into our sessions and have a few set of fresh eyes giving us their opinions. Instead of picking on where we lacked or saying what they liked.... I felt like they were more kin on giving us a sense of direction for our Senior Thesis.
I don't know the name of that Professor who asked me which pieces would represent me at best at the moment.... but she was right on the money with that question; It also hit the nail on the head for me. I think it is the right direction for me and I know just how to go about it. I don't feel lost, it expresses my anxiety with a sense of clarity and I don't struggle during the making process. (which means I'm not hindered by my inner turmoil), aka AWSOME! hahahhaha
I'm the bottle lady in my painting class, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
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