Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 13 - 37.5 Hours

          Today was the first time I went in on Saturday for this to paint, and it's all because I finally got approval to have model on Wednesday. I got there at about 3pm but there was a class going on in there. The train was shit-tastic today (the #1,2, & 3) - Vannya got held up abit too. But the EOP drawing class kept me from starting my painting session till 4pm. I started the session by going back to the back pose painting.... and added more paper to it.... stained it.... and sprinkled paper on the lines I retraced with paint; but I took a print of the painting before doing this, on another older painting of mostly stained and egg shell collaged surface.

Then I went back into the 2piece figure painting...
And then the small cropped pieces... and also started a new one of VanNya's Right Ear

I felt pretty accomplished today, as I got a lot done and got to experiment a little as well. ^.^  But I ran out of medium pretty quickly in this longer painting session....I almost thought I wasn't going to be able to paint this whole 6hr session.I pitched an idea to Vannya, which is for us to come in and cram out a full day session and just skipping Mon. & Wed. nights.... but I would need Marcy's approval...hhmmmm

          Got home about 10:40pm and started to refill my medium bottles, besides pouring some more paint into my new containers so I can bring them to school next week. ^.^ It took kind of long, since I was using a Baskin-Robin's pink spoon to get the paint to transfer without it spilling all over the place. I only managed to get 3 different paint colors done, and filled 5bottles of mediums from the gallon buckets that I bought from DickBlick.

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