So last night I went to the shop at 8pm...and checked the after math of what was done on Friday.
I was trying to sync his contacts, emails, and other web applications. So I was on the hunt for different usful softwares, like 8hands... which I was disappointed by, since they only have it for PC and not MAC. I also created an online drop box for everyone to share files and info. so they can work easier fromt their location of comfort. I just love establishing structure! it makes things run efficiently... and then makes more productivitiy! :)
Anyways, back to last night - we all went to Fontana's about 10pm. Guy's Band Stellar Ego perform was performing at 11pm, so we helped out with ticketing and hand support during voting lol... I really respect and admire what he's trying to pursue here, so I'm gonna try and contribute what I can during this hectic semester for me.
The Orange I tattooed last Sunday.... my 1st ^.^
Gallery Internship
I went to the Space Gallery today, and went in for my first full day sitting. I was all by myself since everyone went to the event space near Vernon Bluv. at 5th Street in L.I.C. So I took the initiative to clean up and organize the gallery space. It gave me a really good work out lol.... I was sweating most of the day hahhaa.... Once in abit I would check the Gallery's Facebook to check for updates or adds...and etc Then headed over to the event space where they're hanging stuff for MoFa (Museum of Fake Art). I got some school paper work signed and filled out.
I saw a few things I really enjoyed like the gorilla with the body up against the wall with no head, so it look like he ramed his head in. Then it's the bed with christmas lights popping out of it.... looks like a painful resting place but colorful hahaa.... and so much more ^.^
They informed me while I was out sick, they discussed to let us...the interns put up our own show for March. This peice of information for me all excited and giddy lol... So now I'm on the hunt amongst my peers for artwork selection and also the joy of being able to put in my own work too for a gallery show. ^.^ woot woot....
"Art is whatever you can get away with" ~ Andy Warhol
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