Broke a sweat....
I went back into the figure and spent most of the time drawing the face - Repeatedly....
It made me a little paranoid about messing it up, so as precaution.... I'm going to set it up standing and paint with a brush to draw before I go back on it with a bottle.
Right now, I feel like the proportion part is off by the head, breasts... legs... so to me the general thing is wrong... so I'm not liking it as much. Secondly, the model is standing, and with one leg on the ground; maybe I'll sketch and then paint on my own some time too.... I don't want a slightly different pose every time, it messes with all the time I'm putting into measuring.
We also had a visitor during the middle of our class, Professor Richard Pitts came in to check up on us. He's also teaching the other senior painting class. He encouraged me to put together the smaller paintings with this larger piece, and people will read it together even if I don't right now. So I did, and I think it might work.... I just don't think the colors work together as a whole....
Marcy has been encouraging me to make more, especially since I did bring it more canvases. And I'm very glad she likes my current paintings so much. But I don't know if I'll be able to put everything in the show? Since we don't know how they're going to be curating it till we're all done in May. :: sighs ...:: I also need to know the measurements of the Great Hall, like at least the height of it. (Which no one has told us...)
Suikang also walked in later on but mostly to look around.
"Lots to do, so little time..."
>>>>> I kept on having ideas on other paint applications, like how I'd usually draw with pastel sticks. It leads be back to sponge brushes and cake decorating techniques.... @_@" aahhhh.....
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