Monday, October 21, 2013

Concord's Internal Incompetence

Today just wasn't my day.... I went to the train station and got on the train at 2pm... then the stupid thing wasn't moving for like 10mins .... So I decided to leave and take a cab... and then the train moves....
The cab cost me 33.25 after tip to Brooklyn.
Wanted Snapple, the glass bottle....ordered food and the Snapple....but got the new plastic bottle ~_~"

It's just the little things that's annoying me left and right.
Spoke w/Mom during lunch break... told her if I quit, I'll def. be home for Chinese New Year's this year.

There's just so much nonsense in this company.
Got my raise on 9/11 --- after a long meeting w/Alex and Waheed.
Alex told me Farruhk got his $3 raise when we had a meeting 9/30 ... just so this boy will come in on weekend and still do the same 40hours per week.

I, on the other hand.... got all sorts of responsibilities ... for the same amount... which to me is ridiculous and WTF ?!!?

Below was the e-mail content of duties I mentioned to Waheed, since they decided to duct my pay and do a demotion.

But """""Rudy definitely did not have all the same duties I was given when he was just an Assistant Manager.

~E-mails from the Manager's desk
~Schedules (An excel file has been sent to Wendy since you said she is in charge of it now. )
~POD Manager for package jobs
~I've trained every newly employed dispatcher that came in after myself. (Farrukh, Marcus, Marion, attempted Melynda and now Edwin as well. )

~Rudy is off on Mondays and has a week vacation starting from Christmas// please have someone step in to manage the shift; esp. tomorrow 10/21 Monday
I was told " we'll come up with something" but I don't want people coming to me for what I'm not being compensated for. 

~The customer service roles with all Chinese drivers; we have Lawrence now --- please have him take part,  since during our membership meeting: drivers were told to e-mail/call me directly.
Right now they all wait till my shift to call me, so I hear their troubles from weekends, overnights and mornings. ( besides my own shift.)

~Since Ali left, all the MTA drivers came back to me again, so I'm doing their daily 388 account job line up; like Roman does with MTA & HHHC.
(& I was told Ali won't be returning to us, so I have to deal with Roman and his needs; which some aren't even my duties, it's his. )
~Roman needs document translation for his new pricing position/ &  to "redispatch" jobs which he assigned/ and to speak to drivers that he thinks don't speak english when they do if he just tried.
But not just him tho, anyone hears an Asian accent or remotely thinks they're Chinese I'd get the calls transferred even if they know how to speak English.(ex: 514 he is korean)

~Making excel files when certain account needs it for billing or any kind of processing, really isn't my job now-- is it? I think it's a secretary's job, don't we have Katya for that?

~The data analysis of our company's production reports... I've made templates for every shift, so it can be easier to read and for them to fill out. // Even started doing reports for Zack, since I lacked data for almost 2 months. I have reports from 9/11 till now, which will be sent to Alex in excel format.

~You asked about operator's smoke breaks, how long and how many they take usually; I made a sheet after that and started having them sign in/out --- which Rudy has the sheet now since Friday.

~Lastly, as per Irina>  Tanya from downstairs still need someone to do the 1155 & 1154 account uploads at 9:40pm Monday - Friday; since Audrey said I could stop. """"""

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