The wedding vow: " I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life."..... This is why commitment aren't for the faint of heart.... nor the weak willed... It's meant for the unyielding, who triumph through relentless pursuit, while enduring the hardships in life; knowing that they love each other, and that life without the other is no life at all. And why it's till death? Because life is hollow without the love of your life beside you.
Now what would you know about that?
You sanctimonious prick.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------11/22/2013 3:21 AM

You were astonished that I was still there, and holding on to "us", when you give me endless reasons to leave, and give up on this. I found out the marriage crap in June, for about 6 months... you told me you'll try, made me all sorts of promises, speeches of how it'll get better, you'll change. // Even though you were still lying to me, making me empty promises, hollow words.
I held on, as long as you told me you still loved me and wanted to make this work. I'm on the receiving end of all your non-sense, but you have the nerve to quit on me first?!? after all this bullshit. It was nothing but false pretenses. Concord taught you well.... you just kept on stalling...buying time...even though you weren't going to do shit to actually make this work.
Why waste my time if you didn't want this?
Why drag it out?
If it's not convenience of having a regular sex partner, someone who takes care of you all the time// I don't know what is, besides the word "convenience".
A million to one.... regardless of the odds.... I stuck by you. But you can't even find "a" reason to hold on to this? really?
You lazy, lying, coward. I don't know how you can call yourself a Man.
God forbid you had to do right by me, some "actual" - " efforts" ...... you might overexert yourself.
I've gone above and beyond for you, because I love you that much; but you were never going to do the same for me. You took the easy way out. So don't you dare tell me that it's because you don't want to hurt me anymore and how this is for me, and for the greater good. If you gave a shit about me, should of been honest with me from the beginning. You had so many god damn chances, esp. in the last 6 months. You sanctimonious prick.
The last time that a guy left in the manner you did.... he was already seeing someone behind my back. But you swore to me that you didn't cheat on me. It's all just semantics... he was just waiting to end it with me, so he can go ahead and make it official with the rebound chick, then say how he didn't cheat since he didn't start till we broke up.
There's a saying in Chinese, that a dead body isn't even cold yet... and their spouse was already preparing to jump into sack with the next person available.
I don't know what to believe, or how to believe since you do nothing but lie you ass off and leading me on under false pretenses.
For over a year... I've only had you on my mind, wherever I went. If I saw something, and thought you'd like it, want it, or need it... you know I bought it. And now this bullshit. You're just so fucking full of it.
I love you. But I have too much pride to chase after someone who clearly doesn't want to be with me.
I'll fight the world if I have to, but how can I fight for us; if you're the one fighting me.
This is such a joke.
Even my mom said this "别再爱他了,他的爰太假了,说放弃这么轻松。
(Don't love him any more, his love is too fake, say give up so easily.)"
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