Monday, January 25, 2010

Selling artworks...

I've been researching sites to sell art work for the past couple of hours. One of them being Ugallery... which I was accepted by and then they changed their mind due to a pricing disagreement. (Not too professional in their approach.)

Anyways, I just created a account that Cass. found a while ago
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Besides that would be the fact that I met the owner of Crossing Art Gallery about 6p.m. > Sunday (Located in Downtown Flushing) There was an internship complication due to someone at their end being unprofessional as well, after resigning from their position of duty.

This was the first time for me to see a crowd of mostly Asians in an art gallery dressed in formal attire, followed by jumbo shrimps and spring rolls on a platter, served by waiters and probably a catering staff in an Art Gallery. There were a few different types of beverages as well, and it was very well put together for this auction event.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Curiosities towards Senior Thesis

Every year the Fine Arts department holds their Senior Thesis show in the F.I.T. Great Hall of our D-Building. This is when all the seniors gets to exhibit their developed style and knowledge after the average of four years in this institution.

I'm wondering if they'll put everyone from both blocks into the show. (Only 1 block last year)

If yes, is the space enough? Will they limit us on size per person?
If no, how will this all work out? What's the criteria to be chosen?

If space is not a problem, what's the biggest scale allowed per person?

What is the dimension of our Great Hall? Or any other place that we'll be exhibiting in?

Lastly, I'm wondering what are the size and scale of my comrades hehehhee, besides the stories behind their works.