Friday, April 30, 2021

Pfizer Vaccine - Covid-19

April 30th, 2021, Friday, about 2PM I left the vaccination site. 

My arm where the shot was, it didn't hurt at first but it gradually started to hurt as hours went on. But I learned my lesson from the first shot, pick the arm you don't end up sleeping on the most. 

930PM - Updates : I'm feeling a little bit of head discomfort and I'm feeling warm. However, my body temperature is still within  normal range. I'm currently 98.2 degrees (F).

Thursday, April 1, 2021

My 1st Art Patron

03/31/2021, today was a special day. A day I didn't think I'd get to see while alive. Someone purchased one of my artworks for the first time. I was overjoyed. 
 The funny thing is that I didn't even list my artworks for sale online anymore.  I haven't even tries to sell my artwork since  I was still in college.  This was a very pleasant surprise. 

I am grateful. I even received feedback for the work I sold.  

The saying is that, beauty is in the eye of the beholder; And since he was going to be the one looking at this piece of work on his wall from this point forward; through his eyes, what he sees, completes my creation.

I had a surprising realization about what this work meant to me, and how / what kind of attachment I had towards it.
 I originally thought I had zero attachment towards this piece, which was why I was OK with selling it.
But when I started thinking of a title to name it; I realized, it carried my relationship with Juan. My high school sweetheart, and one of the most painful love of my life.
 I used the flowers he gave me to make this artwork.  The flowers after it had dried ...
It still deteriorates after its death...  felt kind of poetic..... watching a leaf fall off of it... and crumbled a bit as it landed on my basement tiles..... 
 I had mourned our relationship and him like a widow from a forcibly dissolved marriage...

"My Almost Family"

Side note:
I was told I undersold my work and it's  monetary value. 😅 sheeessshhhh

Secondly, a lot of people seems to have a highly regarded and perceived opinion of this artwork. It's definitely more than I did or do right now lol so weird. 

But I have realized that my work with color, all have looked fantastic after I've digitally turned them black and white. I loved it so much more than when it was in vibrant, loud or dark colors.