Thursday, November 28, 2019

Suicidal ideology vs Suicide

Suicidal ideology is seeming more like a coping mechanism for the uncontrollable pain that runs rampant in a person when life is out of control. Cutting is a form of trying to regain control of what couldn't be controlled.

Suicide gets called an selfish act...
But no one understands the relief that was sought after behind the act of agony; it's an individual performing a mercy kill for themselves, like a person would put a wounded animal out of their misery with a swift death.

The act was the last resort....and the thoughts were just mental relief for the pain temporarily. 

Friday, June 14, 2019

An Apology

道歉是这世上最没用的忏悔。 除了能让你自己好过,根本毫无用处。尤其在你伤害了别人以后。 办错了事就得赎罪。 我情愿上刀山,下火海,但我这辈子绝不对任何人说对不起。绝不 。(皓镧传Beauty Hao Lan ep16)